Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Julie and her husband, Matt, brought Ty and Will to Chicago for the 4th. Sherry, Sarah and I hung out with them at the Lincoln Park Zoo. We saw monkeys and lions but everyone, myself included, seemed most amazed by the giant rabbit in the kiddie area. That rabbit is huge!
Afterward we all went to the Rainforest Cafe. Ty seemed equally intrigued and frightened of the animatronic animals.
Julie: Will charges into anything. He doesn't get frightened. But Ty is a pretty nervous child. On our drive up here, he said to Matt, "Slow down, Dad. You're going too fast."
Most of the meal was spent fixated on the giant elephant, which would occasionally move and let out a pre-recorded elephant noises.
Julie: You should have seen Ty when you were in the bathroom. He got all nervous and said, "Where's Arnie?" Sarah tried to help and said, "He's in the bathroom." But Matt immediately said, "Oh no! He's in the jungle!"