Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sarah's own blog, loosely patterned after my own, is also coming to an end soon. Originally titled, 'Chicago to Boston' it changed to 'Chicago to Boston to Chicago' when she moved back early.

Sarah: [looking at this picture of her first entry] Aw man. I was so nervous and excited then.

I think it's been tough on Sarah that the move to Boston didn't prove to be the great life-changing opportunity she'd expected. Still, she seems to have bounced back. ComedySportz is going well, and she's circling in on that new career she'd announced she'd figure out by the end of the summer. She'd prefer to keep the details of this potential career path private for now, though.

Sarah: I don't know how I'm going to end my blog.
Me: Don't worry about it. I don't know how mine is going to end either. Probably something boring.
Sarah: What if Amanda called you into her office and fired you?
Me: That would be hilarious. It would be terrible for me, but awesome for the blog.

I don't suppose that a first-time comment from a fairly long-time reader would sway you to continue blogging. Just that you're quite a readable writer, therefore in the minority online, in my opinion. So...willya willya willya?

Living in hope,
I'm with Jane. This is the first time I've commented, but I hope that both you and Sarah keep blogging even when your current blogs end. I love checking in each day to see if you've written anything new. I've even thought about starting my own photo blog because of both of you. I haven't done it yet, but maybe one day soon. I'm getting ready to go through a divorce, so maybe I can do a one year after the divorce kind of thing...but that may be too close to your original blog.

Hope to keep reading you,
Yeah, ripping off Arnie's blog would be horrible.
Okay, now seems like the appropriate time for me to chime in. I've been reading this all year and really enjoying it.
A friend's child was being all nuts the other day and I commented "that's his job, toddler."

I say -- pick another theme.
I came up with some ideas, but I might have been drinking whiskey when I thought of them...and they really were not that clever.
I have no intentions of ripping off Arnie's blog. I've figured out what my blog title would be and it has nothing to do with a "a year of" or "a year after". That is of course if I ever actually start writing a blog and if it's not already taken. I've started before, but usually only last about 3 days before I stop writing.
I think Chris was making fun of the fact that he briefly attempted to "rip-off" one of my blogs.

Thanks for the kind words, folks. I'm sure this won't be the last blog I ever do, but I definitely could use a break from it for a while.
How about a blog about needing a break from blogging?
"A year in awesome things about stonelake"
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