Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A pet bird is living in the back stairwell behind my apartment. Or, it would seem, a bird that was once a pet.

Young and I think it's the same bird that used to live in a cage on one of the porches below us. The cage is gone now, but the bird is still around, clutching a railing, sad and confused.

I've been saying lately that I'd like to solve a mystery and I guess this is it. Theory: Our neighbors moved, abandoning the bird. That's all I've got.

Sarah: Are you blogging about the bird? Are you going to blog about the fact that you haven't done anything to help it?
Me: I'm going to solve the mystery.
Sarah: You haven't done anything yet.

I love cockatiels. I have one back home in Florida. They're very social animals, and, even if they're not terribly friendly, they need companionship.

I hate to think that this bird was not only left behind, but that it was left along outside all the time. Folks either didn't want to be bothered by it or thought that the bird would enjoy sitting out in the fresh air.

My big worry isn't for this bird over the next few months. But it won't survive even through the autumn.

If you manage, somehow, to confine the bird, I'd be able to, reluctantly-yet-proudly, give it a new, friendlier home...
And it's definitely a newly-abandoned pet. It's right wing has been clipped and hasn't had time to grow back completely. As if it's not bad enough that a social bird was left all alone, it can't even fly very well.

Poor thing....
you better let us know if you've done the right thing and given this bird a home. with a willing and awesome responder-to-your-blog-who-knows-and-loves-birds.
Nancy Drew would have solved this mystery by now. And would have smartly given tomboyish George the abandoned bird to lovingly raise within her alternative-lifestyle home. Do the right thing.
"Hold on there, Sally!" said Encyclopedia Brown.
"What's that tied to the bird's claw?"
Sally slowly reached out and untied a small slip of paper from the bird's left leg. "Why, it's a note!" Sally exclaimed. "What's it say?" asked Encyclopedia. Sally held up the note, revealing a single word: "mulligan." Encyclopedia Brown's eyes lit up, as he exclaimed, "I've just solved the case. This bird belongs to Bugs Meany!"

How did Encyclopedia Brown figure it out?
you might want to contact an avian rescue organization for advice on capturing the bird:

then give it to padraic. and tell him to name it arnie.
I have been secretly calling the bird 'Puffin' because I didn't know what kind of bird it was, but I DID know it wasn't a Puffin...and after the rainstorm on Tuesday it was all puffy.
Arnie! Save the bird!
I love birds. Moreover, I really love that bird. I can just tell from this photo that we'd get along. Maybe this bird wasn't abandoned, but flew the coop. You should put up FOUND BIRD posters around the hood. I would contribute some money to the cause. I really don't want this bird to die. That would make me so sad. And I'd hate you forever, Arnie.
Also, at present, I just happen to be wearing a painted cockatiel scarf around my neck.
Judging on the amount of response this post has received, your next blog should revolve around birds. Or vague references to the literary sleuths of our youth.
Do you work with this bird? Is this bird your boss?

This entire blog is a sham.

I bet the bird's Photoshopped.
Arnie, I must concur with the masses: SAVE THE BIRD!!!

Sunny has graciously agreed to loan some birdseed and millet, if it will help in the saving of the bird.
Okay Arnie, let's have the bird bulletin for today. Is it moving to Florida with Pedraic? Is this Hansen person not only belligerent and spiky but also right? IS this puffy Puffin impersonator in fact your boss? It's hard for me to get anything done today what with worrying about some bird in Chicago. Ah, the connected universe.
Seriously, Arnie. This story better have a happy ending soon. And I don't mean this story should be jerked off after a massage.
Crabbydad could probably take care of that bird for you.
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