Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Me: Are you going to wear pajama pants to work?
Sarah: Yes. It's okay. No one will see me. And the couple that owns the place wear pajamas. They work in pjs all the time.

Young: Those look like pants a clown nurse would wear.
Ok, let me clarify:

1. I was wearing those pants because I was planning on going to the gym after work, and they were the only work out-ish pants I had at Arnie's house. When I wear them to bed, they're pj's. When I wear them to work they are work out pants.

2. I never made it to the gym. I ate a mexican skillet instead.

3. I am a clown nurse.
Boy, it didn't take Sarah long to give up on life.
Sarah recently wrote about the above anonymous comment on her own blog.


This prompted me to wear 'real' clothes to work today. I even put on jewelry. The pajama pants were bought a week ago. They probably will find a home in the back of a dresser, never to be worn again. They'd just remind me of the morning I was depressed, and the fact that it was documented, and noted by an anonymous blog reader. The pants will also remind me that my first reaction wasn't to find the humor in this, it was the second...which is slightly unsettling."

I didn't realize the comment made her sad. Frankly, I thought it was funny and didn't take it seriously. And I think the pajama pants are cute. And I wore shorts to work two days ago, so...
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