Monday, March 26, 2007

This is the doorknob on the inside of the bathroom door at work. If you look closely, the top of it reads 'bottom' upside down. There's a matching upside down 'top' on the bottom. So... the doorknob was put in wrong. It actually works just fine, it's secure, it locks, but sitting on the toilet, your face right next to the doorknob, it's hard not to think, "That doorknob was put in wrong."

From outside, most people in the office knock on the bathroom door before trying to open it. It's a polite thing to do, but it's not like someone inside yells out, "Occupied!" I suppose the knock is meant as a warning, "I'm about to try to open the door." But when I'm sitting on the toilet, I prefer the lone doorknob jiggle without the knock. You hear the jiggle and it's done. When I hear the knock, I know the jiggle is coming, and I know that doorknob was put in wrong.

I have a secret bathroom at work that has become not so secret. In the last week I have had encounters with three turdburglars trying to get in and burgle my turds.
Maybe it's just that the doorknob is on the right side of the door, so they had to flip it upside down.

So, all this time, maybe it's really been installed correctly.
Perhaps the door is upside down and the knob is fine. So the next time they knock on the door try not to think that the door was put in wrong.
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