Thursday, February 01, 2007

Drinks at Glunz last night. Meador mentioned that he'd been on a couple dates recently with a lawyer.

Hansen: Tell me how many years she is out of law school and I can tell you exactly what she makes a year.
Meador: Uh...

Hansen then used his blackberry to look her up on her firm website. There was a picture. He passed the blackberry around so we could all get a look at her, while Meador weakly protested.

Our verdict: Cute.

Have you ever taken a photo of Meador where he didn't look like the short bus dropped him off at the bar?

He's got very tiny hands. He must need help holding that giant beer glass.
Meador eerily looks like your mortician friend from 1 v 100, only with a beard, and slightly embarrassed.
I think you've definitely touched upon one of Arnie's many fetishes, Sarah.
I wanna see what she looks like.

Please post her picture, Arnie.
Jesus that's a horrible picture. Thanks Arnie.

And my hands are normal size. They just look small compared to my enormous head.
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