Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Work on the new on-line 'You Don't Know Jack' continues, and we continue to write Daily Dis or Dats.

JLA Member or Computer Software. Beatles Song or Wiggles Song. Stuff like that.

It's fun, but after a while coming up with funny lists of things that sound like other things can become difficult. I spend a lot of my day thinking, "Hmm... what do the names of the Thundercats sound like? Chef Boyardee products?" It all becomes a blur after a while.

Today we had a writers' brainstorm meeting that led to, "Hey, maybe a list of slang terms for farting." So we googled "slang term fart." When we got to "barking spiders" deja vu set in.

Steve-o: Wait. Have we already done one about farts?

Apparently we had. In fact, the You Don't Know Jack website comes up as the fifth link when you google "slang term fart."

City in New Jersey or Slang Term for Farting. I was the one that wrote that question and I forgot about it. My brain is bursting with lists.

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