Thursday, February 15, 2007

After seeing him on '1 VS 100' I got back in touch with Zabor (Funeral Director), my friend from college. We were on our school's Forensics team together. Speech and debate, not forensic science (our team t-shirts actually read, "No, not THAT forensics").

Zabor: [via e-mail] yes that was me on TV. im amazed that you not only saw but recognized me. especially since i was only on for all of 3 seconds. i have been a full time funeral director at my father's firm for 6 yrs. i am now married, have a house, a dog & am chasing my piece of the american dream, i guess.

He sent me some scans of old pictures, including this one, from Nationals in Arizona (where I eventually ended up going to grad school). Zabor is the one on the left.

Why have you forsaken the three piece suit in recent years?
are you fellas drinking in high school??
my best friends all went to bradley! i was supposed to go there to do speech - they even gave me a full ride! - but i declined because bradley kind of terrified me. do you know those cats? jamie mccoy? august benassi? jocelyn prince? gina post? ben lohmann? anything?
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