Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Meador took the GRE this morning.

Meador: I did okay. I didn't destroy it. I remember doing better when I took it right after college. I'm a lot dumber now.

Sarah and I met Meador in Evanston and we watched 'Pan's Labyrinth.'

Me: Did that remind you of taking the GRE?
Meador: Yeah, I was in my own personal Pan's Labyrinth this morning.
Me: Was it proctored by a creature with eyeballs in it's hands?

Walking back to our cars, Sarah and Meador tried to reenact a scene from the movie, with Meador as Pan. Sarah thought he just looked like someone doing a bad job telling a knock knock joke.

Sorry, Meador -- I asked the testing service to make the GRE harder as step one of my plan to ruin your 2007. I also made sure that del Toro f'd up Pan's Labyrinth and that your popcorn was too salty.
And I shat in your lunch today.
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