Sunday, January 28, 2007

I received the following e-mail today:

"Yeah, so I don't know you, other than your blog & [an improv message board], although I think I once met you drunk at a party. So this is going to be weird. Really weird. Sorry.


I had a dream that you died. (I'm not sure what this says about me, except that my subconscious wanted to kill someone and you were someone that didn't carry any personal baggage.)

The whole dream, very vividly, centered around your funeral. The place was packed. Young delivered a eulogy. (His hair was perfect.) And everyone was laughing as people shared great tales of 'odd stuff done by Arnie.' Crying and laughing at the same time. It was the funeral anyone would want.

In any case, I've been debating all morning whether I should share or not, but I decided that it was worth knowing that (even in a stranger's dream) people were upset to see you go. So that's something. Hopefully something more positive than creepy.

ps- it was never explained _how_ you died, so I have no helpful advice about avoiding shellfish or checking your brakes. Though, I would appreciate it if you'd avoid dying in the next few weeks. It'd really mess with my head, and I don't need that."

hahahahahhahah! this letter, coupled with the photo, just split my side.
You should make your bed.
A funeral and eyelashes anyone would want.
Why would ANYONE think it would be a good idea to share this with you??! Packed eulogy or not, it's a horrible thing to tell someone.
I thought it was pretty funny, actually.

Also, I caught a fly with my eyelashes seconds after this picture was taken. Why didn't I take a picture of THAT?
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