Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sarah's plan for the holidays was to fly from Boston to Chicago on Christmas Eve morning, leave her stuff at my apartment (while I'm in Ohio) and head out to the suburbs to spend Christmas Eve with her family.

Here is the series of messages I received from Sarah on Christmas Eve.

9:14am Voicemail: [crying] Hey. I don't think I'm going to get home for Christmas. I'm at the airport. It's crazy here. I'm standing in a long long and I'm crying and... disgusting. Give me a call if you can.

10:07am Phone Conversation: I missed my flight. They put me on a flight at 8pm and I'm on the waiting list for a flight at noon and 2:30 and 5. If I can get on the noon or maybe the 2:30 one I can maybe get there in time. If not I'm probably going to miss Christmas. This sucks.

10:25am Text: There is a guy at the gate that looks a lot like Meador. It's super creepy.

11:00am Text: Didn't get on flight. Number 6 on standby for 2:30 flight. Not looking good. But Meador is on his way to Chicago.

12:50pm Text: Slowly losing my mind. And I look like poop. Poop!

1:26pm Text: Didn't get on 2:30 flight. No christmas eve for me.

2:35pm Text: Ahhhh!!! Got on a flight! I will have a christmas eve after all! Yay!

3:17pm Voicemail: So uh, they just put me on a flight.... I'm on the plane, I'm on the plane, I'm seated, my bag's on the plane, my coat's off... and then they come and say, "Nope, you're not on the flight, this is someone else's seat," and they just kicked me off the fucking plane. And I'm back in the terminal. This sucks. I'm so angry I don't know what to do.

4:15pm Text: It's ok, but i was pretty mad when I called you. I'm boarding a flight now. I'm ready to get to your house and go to bed!

10:31pm Text: [with picture of her family] I made it!

Sarah and I are both back in Chicago now, by the way.
The great/worst thing about modern communication is that we can have a blow-by-blow of our worst/best moments.

I'm glad she made it.
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