Sunday, December 17, 2006

Shane's Christmas party. Marla was there. She showed off the new surgery scars in her knee.

Marla: I have a dead person's achille's tendon now. I'm part zombie!

Just like the time Steve got a cornea transplant we all made jokes about getting a murderer's tendon or a murderer's cornea.

Me: Is it weird?
Marla: I honestly don't think about it that much. Although... I've always been a beer drinker and I swear now I find myself wanting wine instead. So maybe I got a wine lover's tendon. Either that or I just matured a lot overnight.

There are many many many websites that specialize in these types of photos. Usually, you get arrested for trying. You could probably make a buck on this one. You lucked out. This one fell into your lap. Move over Brittany Spears.
That's nothing but thigh, my friend. Sorry to disappoint.
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