Thursday, December 14, 2006

We had a power outage at work today.

Woody: If we can't work on anything, we should play 'Call of....' oh wait.

Everyone wandered around aimlessly for five minutes, then we all gathered in the conference room and played a round of 'Balderdash.' I am terrible at 'Balderdash.' I'm more compelled to write funny definitions than genuinely convincing ones.

Next we played several rounds of 'Murder.' Someone in the room is a murderer and everyone else has to guess who they are before they murder everyone. I am apparently terrible at this game as well. I was personally responsible for about half the company being falsely executed for murders they didn't commit.

After a couple hours, the lights came back on and everyone went back to work.

Amanda called me into her office to ask me why I didn't mention in my post that she clearly dominated the games of 'Murder.' It's true, though, she was the clear, and only, winner.
I love it when you get in trouble with the boss over your blog. And it's not for doing on the company dime. It's for not giving her a shout-out.
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