Sunday, November 26, 2006

My last day in L.A.

Natasha is a member of the Writer's Guild (she's written an award-winning Oxygen movie and done rewrites on 'Three's Company' and Martha Stewart tell-alls, among other things). She took me to an awards season free movie screening of 'Children of Men' at the DGA building.

Natasha: It seems like there are more screenings than usual this year, but I usually can't go because of Harper. They used to send out more DVD screeners, but not so much anymore. This year we got two movies we've already seen and two 9/11 movies.

Driving through Laurel Canyon on the way there ("Why do I somehow know more L.A. street names than names of streets in Chicago, where I live?"), I joked that I would stomp through the halls declaring, "For MY consideration?! I'm not considering this!"

I enjoyed the movie, and the goofy feeling of being at least a stutter-step "inside." I was disappointed by the lack of popcorn, though.

In retrospect I wish i had disapproved of this picture of myself. Oh well! It's here FOREVER.
On the contrary, you have the bangs I want.
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