Monday, November 20, 2006
Sarah's last day in Chicago. This is her digital camera with something shattered inside the display. The display, in case you didn't know, is the most expensive part to replace, more or less costing the price of the camera.
This is the 10101st picture I have taken with my own digital camera. I know this, because the camera keeps a tally, numbering each picture and keeping it somewhere deep within its code. Maybe someday everything will have it's own internal odometer, so we'll be able to quantify everything. ("Hmm... I'm eating my 679th bowl of Future Cereal.")
This is also the last picture I took with my digital camera. Sarah didn't want me to buy her a new one, so I bought myself a new one and gave her my old one. As romantic gestures go, it's not that grand, but it'll work.
"Hey," Sarah said, taking pictures of herself with my old (her new) camera, "I'm pretty good at taking pictures with this."
[Today, I received this text message from my friend, Brett (Web Designer), in L.A. "I just saw Morgan Freeman walking down Franklin playing a flute and walking a chihuahua. I swear to god."
I'm heading to L.A. for the Thanksgiving weekend.]
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