Sunday, November 19, 2006

Sarah and I went to a birthday party for Nick and Katie's (Speech-Language Pathologist) daughter, Jane (3 Year Old).

Nick: A couple weeks ago, we were going to go to the park. Jane came out of her room carrying an armful of toys. I said, "Jane, we can't take all this stuff to the park. You can take one thing." She sighed, looked up at me and said, "Dad, you're killin' me."

Jane showed me her DVD of 'The Incredibles.'

Me: Who's that? Is that Jack?
Jane: Yes.
Nick: Jane, Arnie thought 'The Incredibles' was disappointing.
Me: It's true.
So which Incredibles characted would you be? youre too hyper for me but then again Jack-Jack has more personality,tee hee.
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