Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Whirled News video project is in the editing stages. Rough cut. Notes. Another cut. More notes.

Each stage of this process brings new voices and new changes. Some for the better, some for the worse, many just different.

Friday we received e-mailed notes from the studio that's hired us to do this. The notes were mostly very astute and helpful. Mostly.

Studio E-mail: This one I know you're going to hate, but how about a laugh track?
Glynn: Goodbye cruel world.

Is it too early for me to request more Young? And if he could be looking directly into the camera mouthing the words, "I love you", that would be great too.

Thanks in advance!
hey arnie,

What in the heck is your myspace name?
Hansen, is that you?
My MySpace name is just my first and last name. Nothing crazy.
Young are you talking to me ?

Why in the hell cant I find you on Myspace then?
You might be spelling my name wrong. You can also find me via the Whirled News Tonight MySpace page pretty easily.
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