Thursday, November 09, 2006

Went out to lunch with my friend, Jeanine (Music Venue Promotions Manager). We talked about her band, the 1900s, who are currently working on their second album.

Their first album got a lot of great press. Around the same time, Jeanine decided to leave her office job to try working in promotions. Everyone at work thought she was leaving to be a rock star.

Jeanine: Everyone was like, "You did it!" But really I was just going to be working part time at a bar and being very poor. Poorer than I've ever been. It's funny... if you're in a band and your face is in a couple magazines, people think you're famous.

I paid for lunch.

Lunch at Best Buy? Hey big spender. What'd you do, heat up microwave burritos in the appliance section?
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