Sunday, October 22, 2006

I stopped by the Horeshoe for Thea's 27th birthday party. I think Thea's been having a rough time lately. She's been working sucky temp jobs and is going through a break-up. It probably doesn't help that she's currently in two plays and a band with her now-ex-boyfriend.

But the party was fun, a lot of people showed up and Thea seemed to be in good spirits.

Thea: A bunch of people told me 27 is a good age.
Arnie: I was one of those people. To be honest, I kind of say that to everybody when they tell me how old they are. But, yeah, 27 actually is a good age.
Thea: It's supposed to be a good year. It better be.

Any other current Jellyvision writers show up? Talking about your job must have been ackward...
The second rule of being another employee at Jellyvision is...
Damn. Breaking up definitely agrees with Thea. Hot hot hot.

Are those sock puppets on her hands? Because sock puppets are hot hot hot.
Damn. Thea does look hot. Evan agrees, as per his adoring gaze.
Yay Thea! Boo Caveman Trucker!
yeah, you know what's really hot? the tears that wash away the puke from the "drinking too much."

hot shit, boys. hot fucking shit.

pathetic is the new skinny jeans.
Yeah, I want to know if those are sock puppets in her hands.
Satin sock puppets? Aren't they evening gloves? Or are Thea's pearls swaying my perception?
Clearly, they are the fanciest sock puppets around.
Watching "Shop Girl" makes you wear evening gloves, not sock puppets.
Lies. Sock Puppets.
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