Saturday, October 21, 2006

After about two months of negotiations (most of it along the lines of, "Can we change this?" "No." "Can we change this?" "No."), the cast of Whirled News Tonight signed a contract for a super-secret project we're working on.

Here, a portion of the cast pretend to sign all at once.

"Oh great, now there's an ink blot on the contract."

Young is totally undressing me with his eyes right now.
Hey, if you are going to accuse me of something at least have the balls not to be "anonymous".
Are you calling me out, Young? Because if you are, first I'll need you to stop telling me that you love me with your eyes.
Anonymous, in this case, is obviously Hansen.
so when do we, the loving public, get to know about this secret project? we're foaming at the ffricken mouth!
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