Thursday, October 12, 2006

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

I was engaged once to a girl named N. It was your usual boy meets girl, boy and girl finish grad school and move from Arizona to Chicago, boy loves Chicago, girl doesn't, girl decides to go back to Arizona to get her PhD, boy grudgingly decides to move back to Arizona as well, boy and girl try to make it work, boy and girl break up, girl stays in Arizona, boy moves back to Chicago and starts a photoblog about the break up story. That blog was 'A Year in Pictures Following the Break-Up.' You may or may not have seen it.

A couple weeks ago Chris asked me if I would mind if he started a similar blog about his own recent break-up. I said, "Sure, of course. Do it."

He sent me a link and I was surprised by just how similar it was. 'Another Year in Pictures Following the Break-Up.'

Me: Would you mind changing the name? I just don't want people to get confused and think it's my blog. That wouldn't be good for either of us. Maybe call it 'My Year in Pictures Following My Break-Up.' Or, 'A Year in Pictures Following the Break-Up Too' and under the title it says 'Arnie: Chris; Michael J. Fox: Jason Bateman.'

He changed it to 'A Different Year in Pictures Following the Break-Up.' He hasn't updated it since.

If it wasn't worth copying, I wouldn't have wanted to do it. You set a good standard.

Also, your prologue starts weeks before the rest of the blog gets going. Hypocrite.
Well, and Chris at least spelled "prologue" correctly.
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