Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I brought the 'School Years' book back to Chicago with me. Each grade has a "WHEN I GROW UP I WANT TO BE -" section, with a fairly limited selection of boxes to check off. I've never wanted to be a fireman or even an astronaut. Certainly not a soldier. I never wanted to be any of the choices given.
As an adult I did spend some time as a school teacher and briefly as something akin to a secretary, even though both of those choices are on the not-so-subtly female half of the checklist.
Every year the thing that I wanted to be when I grow up had to be written onto the blank line provided by the 'School Years' designer on the off chance a child didn't want to be a cowboy or an airline hostess.
For my kindergarten "WHEN I GROW UP," Mom wrote in, "'Producer of Funny Shows in Hollywood'." It's in quotation marks which I hope were not intended as ironic commentary.
My handwriting has not improved much since kindergarten.
a. I can't believe you knew what a producer was in kindergarten and
b. you're an idea man not a producer, you should have known that by then.
Just like in society. *sigh*
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