Thursday, September 14, 2006

I am plagued by typos. Mostly my own.

When I went through the application process to work at Jellyvision last October, I scoured my resume, cover letter and, later, writing samples for typos. After several interviews I was offered a contract position by Amanda. In my e-mail thanking her, I spelled the word "probably" wrong. Three times.

Amanda would remind me of this even up into my last weeks at Jellyvision.

Amanda: You spelled it wrong the same way three times. "Probalby." I thought, "He really thinks the word is 'probalby'." I asked Steve-o if we should rescind the job offer. You almost lost the job. Probalby!

I'm starting a new project at Jellyvision on Monday. Back to work.

I had the following email exchange just after writing this post.

"Don't worry... you're long time of darkness is almost over. I will be back in the office, brightening everyone's day on Monday.


"'your' long time of darknessā€¦ just fyi. See you then.

Congrats, Arnold.
At least you don't use quotes incorrectly. I hate it when people do that.

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