Monday, August 07, 2006

With our project nearing completion, people will start slowly trickling out of the office now. Amanda, the president, called a brief company-wide meeting.

Amanda: I just wanted to say that this has been my favorite year here, not because of the project itself, but because of the people. I know we all have deadlines, but there is something I wanted to do. When I interviewed all of you I asked you to list three things about yourself that would surprise me. I printed up some of them, and I was going to read them out-loud and we'd all try to guess who said what, but Brian pointed out that might be mean. Well, we're going to do it anyway.

Here's part of that list. Amanda never read number 15.

I like that Amanda wrote Mary is a "self-processed" adulterer instead of "self-professed". I think you should rag on her for that seeing as how she made fun of you for misspellings in the past. KARATE CHOP!
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